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Explore Courses in Post Graduate

Discover a range of programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge for a successful healthcare career.

2 year / 3 year Doctor of Naturopathy

Doctor of Naturopathy

The Doctor of Naturopathy (N.D.) is a professional degree that focuses on natural and holistic approaches to healthcare, emphasizing the body's innate a...

M.B.B.S. / D.H.M.S. / B.A.M.S. / N.D. / B.I.M.B.S. / B.U.M.S.
2 year / 3 year M.D. (A.M.)

M.D. (A.M.)

The Doctor of Medicine in Alternative Medicine (MD in Alternative Medicine) is a postgraduate program that provides advanced training in...

M.B.B.S. / D.H.M.S. / B.A.M.S. / N.D. / B.I.M.B.S
2 year / 3 year M.D. (BIO)

M.D. (BIO)

The Doctor of Medicine in Biochemic System (MD in Biochemic System) is a postgraduate program focused on the therapeutic use of Schuessler's 12 tissue salts, which ar...

M.B.B.S. / D.H.M.S. / B.A.M.S.
2 year / 3 year M.D. (E.H.)

M.D. (E.H.)

The Doctor of Medicine in Electro Homoeopathy (M.D. E.H.) is an advanced program focused on the principles of Electro Homo...

M.B.B.S. / D.H.M.S. / B.A.M.S. / N.D. / B.I.M.B.S. / B.U.M.S