Our Courses

Explore Courses in Registration R.M.P.

Discover a range of programs designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge for a successful healthcare career.

3 years Acupuncture


Acupuncture courses provide comprehensive training in the ancient practice of acupuncture, a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that involves insertin...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed
3 Years Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine

Alternative Medicine courses provide comprehensive education in non-conventional medical systems and practic...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed
3 years Biochemic


Biochemic courses focus on the principles of Biochemic Medicine, a system developed by Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler that utilizes mineral salts to ...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed
3 years Electro Homoeopathy

Electro Homoeopathy

Electro Homoeopathy courses offer specialized training in the principles and practices of Electro Homoeopathy, a natural healing system developed by C...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed
3 years Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine

Herbal Medicine courses offer in-depth education on the use of plants and natural substances for healing and maintaining health. These courses cover t...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed
3 years Indo Allopathy

Indo Allopathy

Indo Allopathy courses provide an in-depth understanding of an integrative healthcare approach that combines modern allopathic medicine with traditional Indian healing...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed
3 years Magneto Therapy

Magneto Therapy

Magneto Therapy is an alternative healing method that utilizes magnetic fields to promote physical and mental well-being. Based on the idea that the human body has an ...

3 years practising exp. & 12th Passed